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Let it begin here

John Parker was a captain leading the Massachusetts militia in the battle of Lexington. When the British commander ordered the militia to lay down their arms and disperse, it was reported that John Parker said:

Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.

John Parker

There are three thoughts here that seem to have been lost in modern America.

Stand your ground

There are many challenges in our lives today. There are those who challenge our faith, our security, and our way of life. Unfortunately, it seems many are ready to step aside and let those who are loud and aggressive have their way. There are those who tell you to ignore your right to speak freely, to write what you please, and to exercise your religion as you want. Sadly,  many people simply lay down and let it happen. In short, there are those who want to tell others how to live their lives and that they should just shut up and do what they’re told.

Don’t fire unless fired upon

More and more today we see anger and violence used as a political tool to intimidate others. We should not use violence to make a point, but we have to defend ourselves and our rights. I’m tired of watching mobs threatening people and vandalizing property while the police stand-by and watch. I’m also fed up with hearing about people harassing and intimidating their political opponents while nobody calls the police. I will not initiate violence against you, but if you fire upon me I will definitely fire back until you are no longer a threat.

Let it begin here

As a nation we seem unwilling to take the consequences for our decisions. From government spending to protecting the rights of others, we seem to want someone else to deal with it. It’s time we stand up to those who want to take our rights and say enough is enough. It’s well past time to stop leaving the mess we’ve created for our children to clean up. If there is to be a war for the heart and spirit of America, than let it begin here.

I wonder how many patriots are left in America? How many are left who will stand their ground, hold their fire unless fired upon, and say to the powers of tyranny that if they want a war, let it begin here. How many Americans will once again declare their independence from those who wish to dictate how they live and make the pledge so many of our Founding Fathers did?

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Declaration of Independence

Paul Engel

Like many of you, I am a product of the public schools. Like many of you I thought the Constitution was for lawyers and judges. One day I read the Constitution, and was surprised to find I didn't need a law degree to understand it. Then I read the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and even the Anti-Federalist Papers. As I learned more and more about our founding fathers and documents I saw how little we know about how our country was designed to work and how many people just didn't care. I started The Constitution Study to help those who also want read and study our Constitution.