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Month: July 2019

084 – Melissa Klein’s Fight Continues

The Kleins must feel like they’re trapped in a recurring nightmare, like the one in the movie Groundhog Day. They finally get their case before the supreme Court, only to have it sent back to be heard again by the Court of Appeals of Oregon. The legal questions placed before the court seem simple enough,…

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084 – Melissa Klein’s Fight Continues

The Kleins must feel like they’re trapped in a recurring nightmare, like the one in the movie Groundhog Day. They finally get their case before the supreme Court, only to have it sent back to be heard again by the Court of Appeals of Oregon. The legal questions placed before the court seem simple enough,…

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Punishing Good Behavior

Why do we repeatedly punish those who do the right thing to reward those who did not? Whether it’s corporate bailouts, mortgage bailouts, or the anticipated need for a state bailout, these programs all reward bad behavior while punishing those who did the right thing.

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083 – Punishing Good Behavior

Why do we repeatedly punish those who do the right thing to reward those who did not? Whether it’s corporate bailouts, mortgage bailouts, or the anticipated need for a state bailout, these programs all reward bad behavior while punishing those who did the right thing. Check out this episode!

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083 – Punishing Good Behavior

Why do we repeatedly punish those who do the right thing to reward those who did not? Whether it’s corporate bailouts, mortgage bailouts, or the anticipated need for a state bailout, these programs all reward bad behavior while punishing those who did the right thing.

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082 – SCOTUS Comes to the Right Decision on Bladensburg Cross, but Mostly for the Wrong Reasons

If you’ve been following the case of the Bladensburg Cross, or religious freedom in general, you may have rejoiced when this opinion was released by the supreme Court. However, while the ends were correct, the logic behind the opinion was extremely flawed for all but one justice. The American Legion v American Humanist Association:…

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082 – SCOTUS Comes to the Right Decision on Bladensburg Cross, but Mostly for the Wrong Reasons

If you’ve been following the case of the Bladensburg Cross, or religious freedom in general, you may have rejoiced when this opinion was released by the supreme Court. However, while the ends were correct, the logic behind the opinion was extremely flawed for all but one justice. The American Legion v American Humanist Association: The…

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Supreme Tyranny

People have been talking about the supreme Court opinion in the case about the citizenship question on the census, but almost nobody noticed the judicial tyranny the court displayed.

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