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Month: September 2020

206 – Federal Landlords

I heard about this order from the CDC, and at first I couldn’t believe it. Not that those in the federal government would issue such an order, but that it would come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So I found the notice in the Federal Register, (the list of federal laws, regulations, and orders) and read it for myself.

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205 – James Madison on Property

I’ve talked a lot lately about the protections of our rights, including life, liberty, and property. Yet most Americans have a very limited view of their property. So I thought this would be a good time to review James Madison’s opinion on the subject.

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Rural Route Radio Sept 25, 2020 It is time we all do a better job studying the U.S. Constitution and understand our rights Paul Engel with details.

We live in the Union of States lets keep in mind that we as the local level have been giving our rights away left and right. From States rights to individual Liberties of personal freedom, how long will you let that go on?

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204 – A Preview of the 2020 Election?

In what may be a preview of the 2020 election, a U.S. District Judge has inserted herself into the Georgia election process. In this convoluted and painful decision, we have a federal judge ordering the state of Georgia to violate federal law and the Constitution of the United States.

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203 – Can Some Good Come Out of These Lockdowns?

A recent article highlight the concerns of some teachers have about the use of virtual classrooms. This may just be some good news from the lockdown mentality that so many have adopted.

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202 – State Rulers vs Servants?

Recently, I found another example, of another state government assuming the tyrannical authority of rulership over the citizens of the state they was hired to serve. This governmental overreach comes out of the great State of Texas

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201 – Citizen, Heal Thyself

I love when everyday Americans reach out and either ask questions or make suggestions. Tonight I’m going to talk about just one suggestion. What is the duty of everyday Americans to uphold the Constitution.

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200 – Could Nancy Pelosi Become President?

Between stories on the net and questions I’ve been asked over the last week, it seems a significant number of Americans are obsessed with the idea that Nancy Pelosi could become President on January 20th, 2021. So I decided we should settle down the hysteria and look at the facts of what would happen if there is a problem with the Presidential election.

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