Breaking News

Day: September 13, 2023

What the Terrorists Could Not Take, Americans Are Giving Up

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – It’s hard to believe it’s been 22 years. Then again, it seems many Americans have forgotten that 19 terrorists tried to destroy what made America great. Our freedom and the advantages it gives us were attacked on Sept. 11th, 2001, by terrorists from overseas. Today, our freedoms are under attack by our fellow citizens. When we think about attacks on our liberty, we often think about…

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California Bill Banning Student Suspensions for Defying Teachers, Disrupting Classes Passes Legislature

A California bill that would ban schools from suspending students who disrupt class or defy teachers—known as willful defiance suspensions—is one step away from becoming law. The state Senate in May advanced Senate Bill 274, introduced by Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), in a 36–3 vote to the state Assembly, where it was placed Aug. 23 […]

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City Council in Texas Votes to Ban Government Mandated COVID-19 Vaccines, Lockdowns

The Odessa City Council in Texas voted on Sept. 12 to ban the enforcement of any COVID-19 mandates implemented by the state or federal government in an effort to stave off what officials say are a violation of citizens’ freedoms. A total of six council members voted to pass the resolution—introduced by City Council Member Chris Hanie—while […]

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The Paper Ballot is the Vote of Record

Election forensic experts have observed that electronic voting systems produce multiple digital copies of a single paper ballot; we need only count the original.

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