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‘Woke’ and ‘Sexual’ Books Found in 2nd Grade Classroom Library in Fountain Hills

A parent of a child in second grade attending McDowell Mountain Elementary School in the Fountain Hills Unified School District was appalled to discover over 10 books in the classroom library inappropriate for children that age. The parent, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, informed Fountain Hills City Councilman Allen Skillicorn, who referred to the books “woke” and “sexual.” 
"As I finished my parent teacher conferences last week, my attention went to the classroom library section of the room,” the parent said. “I often wonder how teachers pick the books to line their classroom shelves. One particular SECOND GRADE classroom in the Fountain Hills Unified School District had the following books in their classroom library:
The article ‘Woke’ and ‘Sexual’ Books Found in 2nd Grade Classroom Library in Fountain Hills appeared first on Tennessee Star.

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