Breaking News

Day: October 17, 2023

Propaganda Kills!

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – People often claim, ‘What you don’t know won’t hurt you.’ I disagree, asserting it’s the misconceptions we hold that can truly harm us. This is the peril of propaganda. In this digital age, diverse perspectives are at our fingertips, but will we, the American populace, discern truth from deceit? Recent events, like the Hamas attacks, are shrouded in misinformation. My advice? Always seek the truth…

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FB ‘fact-checker” suggests nobody was actually hurt during the music festival attack…

However, a Facebook “fact-check” by corporate media outlet Reuters of an online video suggests Israeli concertgoers were unharmed by Hamas’s terrorist attack.
However, the Reuters video does not include footage from the actual Supernova Music Festival in southern Israel, where hundreds of Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists.

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Ilhan Omar posts fake photo of dead Palestinian kids…

The New York Post, which posted Omar’s propaganda image, said her “gruesome and false X post Saturday came after her fellow Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., warned the public about the ‘incredibly high’ level of ‘misinformation in all directions’ on the platform concerning the Israel-Hamas war.”
Omar’s response to the massacre by Hamas terrorists killing innocent civilian noncombatants, including children, was to post an image of children, dead, wrapped in white, lying on the floor.

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