Breaking News

Day: February 3, 2024

The Texas standoff and Mayorkas impeachment

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The reasoning behind the impeachment articles is the state of the southern border. The unwillingness of the Biden Administration to enforce existing laws has led not only to an explosion of people entering this country illegally but disasters, both legal and humanitarian, throughout the nation. While a few states have thrown some political punches, only one so far has said enough is enough…

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Louisiana Man Wins $205,000 in Damages After Arrest Over Joke on Facebook

Police ignored his First Amendment rights.

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Connecticut to Become First State to Cancel Medical Debt, Governor Says

Eligible residents include families whose medical debt represents 5 percent or more of their annual income, the state says.

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For Every Life Saved, mRNA Vaccines Caused ‘Nearly 14 Times More Deaths’: Study

Researchers called for a ‘global moratorium’ as the study revealed ‘well-documented’ serious adverse events and an unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio.

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“They Don’t Want It Discussed” – Megyn Kelly Reacts to Moderna Surveilling Her Vaccine Criticism

Moderna monitored and flagged Kelly’s social media comments.

The post “They Don’t Want It Discussed” – Megyn Kelly Reacts to Moderna Surveilling Her Vaccine Criticism appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

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Judge Rejects Challenge to Mail-in Ballots in North Dakota

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging North Dakota’s mail-in ballot law that allows ballots to be counted for days after Election Day.

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