There have been many reports of Americans losing trust in their institutions. But what happens when it’s not trust in our institutions that is crumbling, but trust in the United States government? We’ve seen trust in our elections, the military, and our justice system destroyed over the years. Just as in the lullaby, when the branch of trust breaks, the nation will fall, and a great fall it will be.
As the lullaby states, “When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall.” We have built our lives on the bough of trust in the United States, on the ideas of freedom and justice for all. However, recent polling has shown that Americans are losing trust not just in our institutions but also in the basic ideas of freedom, justice, and the United States itself. What happens when that bough of trust breaks?
There are those in America who are sawing the branch of trust off the tree. We are losing trust in our elections and, therefore, our elected representatives. Polls show we are losing trust in the military, immigration, and the rule of law. The ideas of freedom of speech are now considered too dangerous to be allowed, and the media has such a clown show as to be beyond any trustworthiness.
Unlike in the cartoons, when we finally saw through that branch between us and the tree, it is we who will fall, and a great fall it will be.
The Constitution Study with Paul Engel on America Out Loud Talk Radio can be heard on weekdays at 4 pm ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free Apple, Android, or Alexa apps. Listen to other episodes of The Constitution Study, available on podcast.