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Antisemitism and other offensive ideas

believe most Americans are not antisemitic. In fact, I believe most people find antisemitism offensive and ugly. But what do we do with antisemitism and other offensive ideas?

The recent demonstrations on college campuses, many of which have displayed antisemitic ideas, espoused antisemitic rhetoric, and involved antisemitic conduct, have brought this question to the forefront of our discussions. Do we suppress antisemitic speech or only antisemitic actions?

Are there ideas that are so hateful that they are not allowed in public? And what do we do with those who have been so publicly antisemitic in their words and deeds?

The question of how we deal with these people is extremely important. While today it may be antisemitism, that is an intolerable idea; not all that long ago, it was COVID, the 2020 elections, and the right to live free.

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Image: AP