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Another Reason to be Careful About Treaties

In another example of why we need to be careful about the treaties we sign on to, I found an article describing a United Nations court’s “order” that the U.S. lift sanctions on Iran.  Now, since there are a lot of issues with an “order” issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), we’ll just focus…

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Birthright Citizenship

In an interview with Axios, President Trump stated that his staff is preparing an executive order to end birthright citizenship in the  U.S.  As you might expect, this has led to a lot of discussion and debate around both the constitutional basis of birthright citizenship and the authority of the President to change this policy…

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Regulations and the State of the Union

I watched a Right Angle YouTube video last night and while I’m usually in agreement with most of what these gentlemen say, I was terribly disappointed with their position on a proposed federal regulation regarding drug advertising.

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In the latest example of intolerance run amuck, the Daily Press of Victorville, CA reported that the banners for an Orange County crusade was removed from a local mall.  You’re probably asking: Why did they have to remove the banners? After two weeks of being in the malls, the Irvine Company contacted Harvest and told…

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What happens when criminals run amok and the police stand by and watch?

I’ve seen multiple reports of a riot (erroneously called a “demonstration”) going on in Portland, OR while the police stood by and watched.  The police claimed they were concerned that enforcing the law would “inflame the situation”.  This seems to me a very good opportunity to discuss two important rights protected by the Bill of…

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Janus v. State, County, and Municipal Employees

In this stunning decision, the supreme Court overturned existing precedent, (referred to as “stare decisis” which is Latin for “let the decision stand”) to find that mandatory collection of agency fees from those who choose not to join public sector unions is a violation of their First Amendment rights.

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State of the First Amendment Survey

The 2018 State of the First Amendment survey has been released by the Freedom Forum Institute’s First Amendment Center, and to put it bluntly, the news is NOT good! In other good news, three out of four Americans (77%) are supportive of the First Amendment and the freedoms it guarantees. Unfortunately, most Americans are generally…

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Why is Socialism Viewed So Favorably in the US?

Over the past few years I’ve heard of  surveys showing an increasingly favorable view of socialism, especially among younger adults. So why the change in attitude and what does it have to do with the Constitution?

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