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Constitution Study Reviews

Have you ever not seen the forest for the trees? It’s like something obvious surrounding our lives, but pushed slightly out of the way because it sounds impossible. The thing is, what if that something is essential to the well-being of your loved ones and good friends?

“The Constitution Study”, a brand new book written by Paul Engel, is
reviving basic truths that a generation of people have quietly over-
looked. Maybe because the Constitution is a ‘government’ document, we consider it too hard to understand; we keep some of its words in our
vocabulary, but seldom make room to study them or practice them.
I, too, have followed a similar routine. Until now. While reading “The
Constitution Study” I felt an immediate connection to the writing, and
became very interested in how the next reference or explanation
would present itself. To read and experience those words that our
Founding Fathers carefully chose for each of our individual freedoms
couldn’t come at a better time. This truly is a great guide through one
of our country’s most brilliant documents.

I found this book to be in good order, easy to follow, and always giving
plenty of room for personal devotion. It also represents good commonsense teaching re-enforced with facts and careful language. I would highly recommend “The Constitution Study” for those who are teaching or for study groups, and especially those who are finding better reasons every day to know what your rights may be.

Mark Murphy
Artist/Song Writing – Everyday Americans

I called Paul to get his take on the constitutionality of a bill proposed by a congressman and I ended up wanting to learn more about the Constitution. To my luck, Paul had recently published The Constitution Study which I decided to read. The book went over that wonderful work of American history in a way I could easily understand and appreciate. Would recommend to anyone looking to learn more about it.

Miguel Moreno 