In this episode we’ll take a look at the case NIFLA v. Becerra and the question of free speech in Californai. Check out this episode!
Read MoreThis free speech case revolved around a California law and the question: Under what circumstances could state governments require certain types of speech from private entities? The FACT Act requires clinics that primarily serve pregnant women to provide certain notices. Clinics that are licensed must notify women that California provides free or low-cost services, including abortions, and give…
Read MoreIn this episode we review the Carpenter v. United States decision from the supreme Court. We’ll look at the third-party doctrine and the idea of an “expectation of privacy”. Check out this episode!
Read MoreI frequently say it is important that the text of a document should drive our understanding of it, not the other way around. This case regarding the need for a warrant to collect cell-site location information (CSLI) for an individual under investigation challenged my assumptions about the Fourth Amendment. While the opinion that the release of…
Read MoreGranted, this site and much of the work that I do, has come about due to America’s general ignorance about our Constitution. However, sometimes the level of ignorance, especially from those who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, just takes my breath away!
Read MoreI hear it all the time, usually when someone is talking about separation of powers in the federal government: They say we have “three co-equal branches of government”. It’s heard so often that no one even questions the statement. This may be news for you, but while we do have three branches of government, they…
Read MoreIn this episode I’m on the road and talk about the status of the Constitution Study and what I see happening over the next few months. Check out this episode!
Read MoreIn this episode I answer a question about whether I think a new civil war is coming. Rasmussen Report Check out this episode!
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