First, I want to thank Meline for the question she asked at the website: Does having “In God We Trust” on our money infringe on our constitutional rights? If so, which one(s)? Since there is supposed to be Church and State separation, isn’t money clearly related to state which therefore should be separated from church?…
Read MoreIn this episode I look back at the recent supreme Court appointment, the fiasco Washington turned it into and the negligence of the American People Check out this episode!
Read MoreI considered writing an article about the recent supreme Court appointment. I was even asked to write about what constitutional questions the Senate should ask the candidate, but I decided to wait and see what happened. To be blunt, I found our recent foray into self-government disturbing beyond my ability to describe. I would call…
Read MoreIn this episode we look at the question of phone meta data and the 4th Amendment. It may not be the conclusion you were looking for, but it is constitutional. Check out this episode!
Read MoreIf the Constitution created the federal government, then a reasonable question to ask would be, “What is the purpose of that government in the first place?” What do you think the purpose of government is? Look at what the people ask the government to do and what do you see? They want government to protect…
Read MoreIn this episode I answer the question I’m frequently asked, why do I study the Constitution. Check out this episode!
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