Many sports have what they call a “silly season”, a period of time when rumors fly and it seems the news is full of silly stories. I’ve come to think that any time the supreme Court is in session is my silly season. That’s because it seems just when I think I’ve found the silliest…
Read MoreIn this episode we look at how we run this nation and ask the question, do we bother reading the rules for the nation? Facebook Live Event: Check out this episode!
Read MoreYou may have heard in the news about Timbs v. Indiana, where Mr. Timbs is claiming that the forfeiture of his vehicle as part of a drug sales case constituted an excessive fine prohibited by the Eighth Amendment. What makes this interesting from a constitutional point of view is the argument that the Eight Amendment is…
Read MoreIn this episode we’ll look at President Trumps promised executive order to end birthright citizenship. Check out this episode!
Read MoreJohn Parker was a captain leading the Massachusetts militia in the battle of Lexington. When the British commander ordered the militia to lay down their arms and disperse, it was reported that John Parker said: Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here….
Read MoreFor those of you who may not have heard, The Jake Laird Act of 2018 is a bill: To authorize the Attorney General to make grants to States that have in place laws that authorize the seizure of firearms from dangerous individuals, and for other purposes. The language in this bill is so disgusting, so…
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss treaties and our need to keep our government accountable to stay within the law. Check out this episode!
Read MoreWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Declaration of Independence There is a lot of talk nowadays about rights, but it seems little time is spent understanding…
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