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What you need to know about the left’s outrage from a constitutional standpoint.

It seems to me like there’s a group of people who, whenever they don’t get their way, start throwing temper tantrums and demanding things change so they will win.  Call them leftists, progressives, or anything you want, but you know the people I’m talking about.  After they lost the presidential election in 2016 they called to invoke the 25th Amendment’s Section 4 clause to remove the President from office, because in their minds not doing what they want is an inability to discharge his duties.  They demanded that those in the administration ignore their jobs and even their oaths of office, to sabotage the work of an administration chosen by the majority of the states.  They blame the electoral college for their defeat and demand it be abolished, just because their candidate didn’t win.

When Justice Kavanaugh’s appointment to the supreme Court was confirmed by the Senate, they demanded it be changed, again because they didn’t get what they wanted.  Then they demanded the supreme Court be packed, because they have not been able to get their agenda through the legislative process and have relied on the courts to pervert our legal system to get their way.  And now, they want more power taken from the people of the United States and given to an oligarchy in black robes effectively accountable to no one (or at least until Congress also grows up and does their job to oversee the courts).

You know what I see when I look at this mess, this mob of people rioting?  I see spoiled, infantile children who need a diaper change and a pacifier in their mouths until they grow up and act like adults.  If they insist on acting like children then they should be treated that way.  This is not hyperbole; this is what comes from a generation of participation awards, of not keeping score, and removing red pens because the “experts” were afraid that the children would feel bad.  Now we have adult children who have no clue how to deal with losing, where the mere idea of defeat must be overcome at all cost, a generation who thinks the rules don’t matter for them because they are special, and any means are justified to get the ends they want.

It is time for the grownups to put the children to bed.  We’ve raised several generations of children with a stunted sense of right and wrong and no concept of the laws that protect them.  They would  subvert the laws that protect this nation from a sick or wounded commander-in-chief and instead hand over our future to the tyranny of whatever mob can generate attention.  Worst of all, they are fighting to turn over their liberties and ours to a group of kings and queens in the courts, the very idea this country was formed to defend against.

When will America wake up and stop listening to these spoiled children?  When we will start applying the law, all the law, including the Constitution, to everyone in all cases?  We are supposed to be a land where everyone is created equal and where rights are protected against all hazards.  We claim to be the land of the free, yet we let these spoiled brats take away our freedoms.  We claim to be the home of the brave, yet we cower in fear before these powerless babes.  How can we sing the national anthem, knowing the last line is no longer true?

Then again, maybe I’m wrong.  Maybe there are still Americans who are fed up with the nation following these ignorant whelps.  Maybe these men and women are tired of having their rights abused and being told to shut up and take it.  Maybe, just maybe, there are still enough adults in this nation to make it the land of the free and the home of the brave again.  Are you one of them?

Paul Engel

Like many of you, I am a product of the public schools. Like many of you I thought the Constitution was for lawyers and judges. One day I read the Constitution, and was surprised to find I didn't need a law degree to understand it. Then I read the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and even the Anti-Federalist Papers. As I learned more and more about our founding fathers and documents I saw how little we know about how our country was designed to work and how many people just didn't care. I started The Constitution Study to help those who also want read and study our Constitution.