To all who have paid the price for our freedom, we salute you. To all the families who must suffer the consequences, we support you. To all who have served this nation and defended our freedoms, we honor you. Let us remember this Memorial Day the friends, families and loved ones of our fallen heroes. …
Read MoreIn this first episode I discuss they history of The Constitution Study and why it is so important for Americans to read and study it. Check out this episode! Show Links David Barton, WallBuilders and the WallBuilders Show You can read some of our founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution online for free. Don’t forget The…
Read MoreIt’s been a while since I posted, so I thought I’d let you know what I’ve been working on. The answer is podcasting. I’ve been thinking about creating a Constitution Study podcast for a while. What should it be about? How should it be structured? How would I pay for it. After talking it over…
Read MoreI came across this story earlier this week about the Connecticut legislature basically telling their citizens that they don’t care about their votes. OK, that’s not what the bill is titled and it’s not the headline of the story, but it is the effect of the legislation. The story describes legislation passing the Connecticut Senate…
Read MoreWhile I was laying out the book, I decided to include a chapter on the Declaration of Independence. (Actually, it’s turning out to be a rather large chapter at that.) “But wait” you may ask, “if this is a book about the Constitution, why are you spending time on the Declaration?” In order to understand…
Read MoreI was listening to a podcast episode about creating content, which is not a bad idea for someone writing a book, running a website, and considering a podcast. The speaker mentioned that the journey can be as interesting as the destination, suggesting that blogging about the creation of the content can be as helpful as…
Read MoreI recently heard, yet again, that the U.S. Constitution only applies to the federal government and not to the states, and that each state has it’s own Constitution it must follow. And that got me thinking: What does the Constitution say about that?
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