If the Constitution created the federal government, then a reasonable question to ask would be, “What is the purpose of that government in the first place?” What do you think the purpose of government is? Look at what the people ask the government to do and what do you see? They want government to protect…
Read MoreIn this episode I answer the question I’m frequently asked, why do I study the Constitution. Check out this episode!
Read MoreIt was all the talk on the web a while back, and I still hear it talked about today. People are outraged that the government is collecting phone call meta data. They claim it’s a violation of their Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure, but really, that all depends on who the meta…
Read MoreIn this episode we’ll discuss the supreme Court decision in Janus v. State, County and Municipal Employees. Check out this episode!
Read MoreWhen I tell people that I’m an author, blogger, and podcaster, the very next question usually is: What do you write about? When I tell them I’m writing a book about studying the Constitution, the looks range from mildly interested to baffled and confused. Many people have asked why I would study and write about…
Read MoreIn this Constitution Day episode we’ll take a look the self-evident truths listed in the Declaration of Independence Check out this episode!
Read MoreWe hold these truths to be self-evident Declaration of Independence There are certain things that are just so obvious they don’t need to be taught. The Declaration lists some of these self-evident truths. Unfortunately, if these truths were so self-evident then, why do they seem to be missing today? Even when these words were written…
Read MoreIn this episode we’ll review the 2018 State of the First Amendment survey. Check out this episode!
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