In this stunning decision, the supreme Court overturned existing precedent, (referred to as “stare decisis” which is Latin for “let the decision stand”) to find that mandatory collection of agency fees from those who choose not to join public sector unions is a violation of their First Amendment rights.
Read MoreIn this episode we’ll look at some common myths about the Constitution. Check out this episode!
Read MoreThe 2018 State of the First Amendment survey has been released by the Freedom Forum Institute’s First Amendment Center, and to put it bluntly, the news is NOT good! In other good news, three out of four Americans (77%) are supportive of the First Amendment and the freedoms it guarantees. Unfortunately, most Americans are generally…
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss recent surveys showing an increasingly favorable view of socialism. Check out this episode!
Read MoreIt’s not what you don’t know, it’s what you know that just ain’t so that gets you into real trouble. Based on that, I thought I’d go over some of the myths about the Constitution most everyone I meet thinks is so, but just isn’t true. Like most myths, each of these come with a…
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss which governments were created first and the roles they are supposed to play in our republic. Check out this episode!
Read MoreOver the past few years I’ve heard of surveys showing an increasingly favorable view of socialism, especially among younger adults. So why the change in attitude and what does it have to do with the Constitution?
Read MoreIn today’s episode we review the supreme Court opinion in South Dakota v. Wayfaire, Inc. This opinion “allows” states to collect sales tax from out of state businesses. Check out this episode!
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