If you’ve been watching the news lately, you know about the fight between Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump, which is only the latest in what I expect to be a long list of public spats. This argument is over the annual State of the Union (SOTU) address and the speaker’s…
Read MoreIn this episode we review the oral arguments in Timbs v Indiana and the insanity around the Incorportation Doctrine. Incorporation Insanity Supreme Court State of Indiana v. Tyson Timbs supreme Court Timbs v. Indiana Oral Argument Check out this episode!
Read MoreAs I review H.J.Res.7 – Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college, I want to thank Rep Steve Cohen from Tennessee’s 9th district. If the people who hired him to represent them want to abolish the electoral college, the only proper way to do it is through…
Read MoreIn this episode we’ll look at the origins of the “Incorporation Doctrine” and debunk the idea that the Bill of Rights do not apply to the states. Incorporation Doctrine Barron v. Baltimore Check out this episode!
Read MoreOne of the things we often complain about here at The Constitution Study is Congress’ penchant for abdicating its lawmaking responsibility in favor of executive rules and regulations, and the abuses of the administrative state. In this article we’ll review one of the few cases I’ve found where the supreme Court looked at the law…
Read MoreIn this live broadcast we discuss Red Flag laws and answer questions. Video available Check out this episode!
Read MoreAthens, TN is the county seat of McMinn county. Located in eastern Tennessee about halfway between Chattanooga and Knoxville, in 1946 it was the center of a civil uprising that is not only worth learning about, but learning from as well.
Read MoreWe discussed Red Flag laws and answered some interesting questions.
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