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Month: May 2019

062 – Three Constitutional Myths

Studies show that approximately 40% of Americans cannot name a single freedom protect by the First Amendment. Worse, a quick look around shows that most Americans not only know little about the Constitution, but a lot of what they do “know” to be true is actually false. How can we be a land of the…

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“Show Me” Nullification

The “Show Me” state has shown us an excellent example of state nullification.  Missouri House Bill 1039 and its companion Missouri Senate Bill 367, known as the” Second Amendment Preservation Act”, are more than just a stand for the Second Amendment, but for the idea of state sovereignty.  In the language of these bills we…

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061 – Are we still free and independent states?

In 1776 we declared that we were free and independent states. Are we still? Next, on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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061 – Are we still free and independent states?

In 1776 we declared that we were free and independent states. Are we still? Next, on The Constitution Study.

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060 – Who “Owns” Your Children?

OK, “own” may be a strong word, but the question is, who decides what you should do, you or the government? We’ll look at this in more detail next, on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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060 – Who “Owns” Your Children?

OK, “own” may be a strong word, but the question is, who decides what you should do, you or the government? We’ll look at this in more detail next, on The Constitution Study.

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H.R. 5 Imposing InEquality through the Equality Act

In an excellent example of bad assumptions make bad laws, the Equality Act will codify prejudice, discrimination, and inequality, making things worse rather than better. Sadly, but not surprisingly, in today’s society there are quite a few representatives that have signed on to this legislation.  Let’s face it, nowadays legislation that claims to support the…

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059 – The Snake Oil of Socialism

There was a time when snake oil salesmen roamed the land. In this episode, we’ll take a look at a modern version of these peddlers of false promise, next on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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