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Year: 2019

What Can We Learn From an Amicus Brief in NYSRPA v NYC

Several U.S. Senators filed an Amicus (friend of the court) Brief in the case NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION, INC., v. CITY OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK (NYSRPA v NYC). The senators make some interesting points, some good not not so good. There is however a lot we can learn, not only about the constitutional issue, but the state of our political discourse.

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093 – Protecting the free speech rights of those with whom we disagree

Many people talk about “free speech”. But are we willing to extend that right to those we disagree with? We’ll discuss this next, on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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093 – Protecting the free speech rights of those with whom we disagree

Many people talk about “free speech”. But are we willing to extend that right to those we disagree with? We’ll discuss this next, on The Constitution Study.

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090 – Texas AG Stands up to Congress

I love it when a state uses their constitutional authority to stand up to the federal government and just say no. We’ll look at one example next, on the Constitution Study. AG Letter: Federalist # 39: Article I, Section 8: Check out this episode!

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090 – Texas AG Stands up to Congress

I love it when a state uses their constitutional authority to stand up to the federal government and just say no. We’ll look at one example next, on the Constitution Study. AG Letter Federalist # 39 Article I, Section 8

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What’s wrong with California’s new election law? It’s probably not what you think

You may have heard about the new California election law that requires presidential candidates to release their tax returns before they will be allowed on the primary ballot. While many have pointed out problems with this legislation, we’ll take a look at the actual Constitutional issues next, on The Constitution Study.

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091 – Is America Still a Constitutional Republic?

With all that has been going on in our government over the last few decades, one could be forgiven asking the question of whether or not we are still a constitutional republic. We’ll ponder that question, next on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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091 – Is America Still a Constitutional Republic?

With all that has been going on in our government over the last few decades, one could be forgiven asking the question of whether or not we are still a constitutional republic. We’ll ponder that question, next on The Constitution Study.

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