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Year: 2019

074 – “Show Me” Nullification

I love when states stand up for themselves and tell the federal government “No!” In one such example, the state of Missouri legislature has passed the “Second Amendment Preservation Act”. Will take a closer look at this legislation, next on the Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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074 – “Show Me” Nullification

I love when states stand up for themselves and tell the federal government “No!” In one such example, the state of Missouri legislature has passed the “Second Amendment Preservation Act”. Will take a closer look at this legislation, next on the Constitution Study.

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Texas AG Stands up to Congress

In a letter to chairmen Elijah Cummings and Jamie Raskin, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton fulfills the role of protecting the citizens of his state.  He does this by standing up to an over-reaching congressional committee by simply telling them no.

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073 – Do States have Rights?

I love when viewers ask questions. We’ll ponder one such question, is driving a right, next on the Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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073 – Do States have Rights?

I love when viewers ask questions. We’ll ponder one such question, is driving a right, next on the Constitution Study.

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072 – June Livestream – What is a Right

We often hear people talk about rights. But have you ever stopped to think what makes something a right? We’ll discuss that next, on the Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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072 – June Livestream – What is a Right

We often hear people talk about rights. But have you ever stopped to think what makes something a right? We’ll discuss that next, on the Constitution Study.

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Georgia Free Speech?

I found an article about a North Carolina man arrested in Helen, GA for cursing in public.  As you may imagine, there was a lot of discussion about this violation of the man’s right to free speech, but all of the discussions I found were constitutionally wrong.  I think this is a very good time…

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