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Year: 2019

H.R. 5 Imposing InEquality through the Equality Act

In an excellent example of bad assumptions make bad laws, the Equality Act will codify prejudice, discrimination, and inequality, making things worse rather than better. Sadly, but not surprisingly, in today’s society there are quite a few representatives that have signed on to this legislation.  Let’s face it, nowadays legislation that claims to support the…

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059 – The Snake Oil of Socialism

There was a time when snake oil salesmen roamed the land. In this episode, we’ll take a look at a modern version of these peddlers of false promise, next on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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059 – The Snake Oil of Socialism

There was a time when snake oil salesmen roamed the land. In this episode, we’ll take a look at a modern version of these peddlers of false promise, next on The Constitution Study.

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058 – The American Legion v. American Humanist Association

There was a cross case before the supreme Court. I thought this would be a good time to look at current establishment clause jurisprudence. We’ll look at this case next, on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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058 – The American Legion v. American Humanist Association

There was a cross case before the supreme Court. I thought this would be a good time to look at current establishment clause jurisprudence. We’ll look at this case next, on The Constitution Study.

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If You Don’t Get Your Way, Just Change The Rules

In what passes for statesmanship in America today, we’re going to take a look at several examples of some in government who want to get their way by hook or by crook.  These efforts are not for your benefit, but to further accumulate power in Washington, D.C. But when a long train of abuses and…

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057 – Public Servants?

We call them public servants, but do they act like one? We’ll ponder this and what it means for the republic, next on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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057 – Public Servants?

We call them public servants, but do they act like one? We’ll ponder this and what it means for the republic, next on The Constitution Study.

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