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Year: 2019

103 – Restoring the Republic

Between the political discourse in America today and the general lack of knowledge about the Constitution and how the governments of this country are designed to work, it should not be a surprise that people are concerned not only about what returning to a Constitutional Republic would look like. We’ll ponder that next, on The…

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103 – Restoring the Republic

Between the political discourse in America today and the general lack of knowledge about the Constitution and how the governments of this country are designed to work, it should not be a surprise that people are concerned not only about what returning to a Constitutional Republic would look like. We’ll ponder that next, on The Constitution Study.

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102 – Vattel’s Law of Nations and the U.S. Constitution

Several people I’ve talked to have claimed Emmerich de Vattel’s book, The Law of Nations, as a reference text for understanding different parts of the U.S. Constitution. This book is most commonly referenced when discussing the citizenship requirements for President of the United States, so I decided to do some research on the topic for…

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102 – Vattel’s Law of Nations and the U.S. Constitution

Several people I’ve talked to have claimed Emmerich de Vattel’s book, The Law of Nations, as a reference text for understanding different parts of the U.S. Constitution. This book is most commonly referenced when discussing the citizenship requirements for President of the United States, so I decided to do some research on the topic for myself. And, of course, to share it with you next, on The Constitution Study.

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Understanding Impeachment

With the recent discussions about impeaching the President apparently coming to a head, and calls for impeaching Justice Kavanaugh, I thought it was a good time to discuss the process from its constitutional roots.

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101 – What I’ve Learned Over 100 Episodes

I’ve recorded 100 episodes of this podcast and spent the last year working full time on The Constitution Study. I’ll ponder what I’ve learned, next on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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101 – What I’ve Learned Over 100 Episodes

I’ve recorded 100 episodes of this podcast and spent the last year working full time on The Constitution Study. I’ll ponder what I’ve learned, next on The Constitution Study.

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100 – What Can We Learn From an Amicus Brief in NYSRPA v NYC

Several U.S. Senators filed an Amicus (friend of the court) Brief in the case NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION, INC., v. CITY OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK (NYSRPA v NYC). The senators make some interesting points, some good, some not so good. However, there is a lot we can learn, not only about…

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