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Year: 2019

097 – Was limited government doomed by slavery?

Was the idea of a limited federal government doomed by slavery? We’ll discuss that next, on The Constitution Study.

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096 – What’s wrong with California’s new election law – It’s probably not what you think

You may have heard about the new California election law that requires presidential candidates to release their tax returns before they will be allowed on the primary ballot. While many have pointed out problems with this legislation, we’ll take a look at the actual Constitutional issues next, on The Constitution Study.   What’s wrong with…

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096 – What’s wrong with California’s new election law – It’s probably not what you think

You may have heard about the new California election law that requires presidential candidates to release their tax returns before they will be allowed on the primary ballot. While many have pointed out problems with this legislation, we’ll take a look at the actual Constitutional issues next, on The Constitution Study.

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Tyranny via Good Intentions

There are many Americans who are concerned about the over use of and possible addiction to social media. The question I have? Is the proper reaction to these concerns to institute tyranny?

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095 – The States vs The People

Who formed the federal government, the people or the states? We’ll discuss that next on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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095 – The States vs The People

Who formed the federal government, the people or the states? We’ll discuss that next on The Constitution Study.

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094 – Blind Man’s Bluff

Guillermo Robles, a blind man, sued Domino’s Pizza because their website is not accessible to the blind. We’ll discuss the Constitutional issues next on The Constitution Study. Check out this episode!

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094 – Blind Man’s Bluff

Guillermo Robles, a blind man, sued Domino’s Pizza because their website is not accessible to the blind. We’ll discuss the Constitutional issues next on The Constitution Study.

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