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Month: July 2020

189 – Federal Welfare Programs

I was asked several months ago if I would do an episode on federal welfare programs like social security, medicare & medicaid. While current events have kept me focused elsewhere, with all the federal bribery that has already passed recently, and even more expected, I figured this would be as good a time as any to ponder these programs.

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188 – Why is Jury Duty so Important?

After all my recent articles dealing with current events, I thought it would be nice to take some time and discuss something different. It is said that you aren’t tried by a jury of your peers, but by twelve people who couldn’t get out of jury duty. Why do Americans hold such an important duty in such low regard? Lets take a look at why jury duty is so important.

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187 – Abandoned Prostitution to Falsehood

On May 9th, 1807, John Norvell wrote Thomas Jefferson, a letter. Mr. Norvell believed that he would soon become a newspaper publisher, and wanted some advice from the Third President of the United States about his “opinion of the manner in which a newspaper, to be most extensively beneficial, should be conducted,”. In another example…

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186 – Limiting Free Speech in the Name of Free Speech?

Is there bias in social media? I believe the evidence is overwhelmingly yes. The question is, what is the best response? Should we limit free speech in the name of protecting it? What happens when governments pick winners and losers in the arena of free speech? We don’t have to hypothesize, because the test has already been run. and we are reaping the harvest of asking government to protect us from our rights.

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185 – What Price Liberty?

Patrick Henry asked “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” That is a question that has been on my mind lately. So let’s ponder them, and the rest of the words from Mr. Henry’s speech, next on The Constitution Study.

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Coronavirus & Responsible Behaviors by State [+Insurance Advice]

I’ve been quoted in a couple of articles about mask wearing and other “orders” around the country. You can find the articles here:

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184 – Executive Frying Pans vs Judicial Fires

There’s an old say, be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. I’ve had a lot of people ask me lately about law suits against those who have been trashing our rights in the name of keeping us safe from the dreaded COVID-19 virus. While many of you have have cheered the recent decision in First Baptist Church vs. Governor Kelly, it is an example of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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183 – The American Cultural Revolution

Santayana said, ”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
As I look around our country today, I see a lot of history repeating itself. The question is, will the American people remember the past, or are we condemned to repeat it. We’ll ponder that next, on The Constitution Study.

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