Once again we have calls for breaking up, regulating, and restricting Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Before we jump into that particular swimming pool, let’s take some time and ponder what we’re actually talking about.
Read MoreWhen I read the statement made by Justice Thomas, joined by Justice Alito, in the case of Davis v. Ermold, I saw evidence that a “government of the people, by the people, for the people” appears to have perished from the Earth.
Read MoreI’ve talked about amending the U.S. Constitution in the past. But someone asked me to talk about amending state constitutions. What are some of the methods, and what is the impact of those methods?
Read MoreI was asked last Friday (October 9th) to comment on the 25th Amendment and analyze legislation the Speaker of the House had recently announced. After a little bit of research, I found that while the media on all sides were claiming one thing, the legislation itself was mostly fine. Another example of the importance of checking for yourself before coming to a conclusion. So we’ll look at the 25th Amendment and the proposed legislation for ourselves.
Read MoreI don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but our courts are broken. From Merrick Garland to Amy Coney Barrett, the evidence is clear. We’ll ponder that next on The Constitution Study.
Read MoreI was asked to comment on the 25th Amendment and a new House bill to create a commission referred to in that amendment. https://www.ntd.com/house-introduces-bill-to-examine-presidents-health_516011.html
Read MoreIn what I expect to be a long line of suits filed against government executives and agencies that have instituted so many draconian, unconstitutional, illegal, and damaging orders, I found an interesting case out of the State of Michigan.
Read MoreMost people cringe when they see that jury summons in their mailbox. But have you ever taken the time to consider how important it is that We the People sit on these juries?
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