There’s a lot of talk lately about a new federal minimum wage. I thought this would be a good time not only to ask the question, is it constitutional, but to look at a couple of supreme Court cases about it from our history.
Read MoreThis country was formed with a radical idea, that the people rule the government rather than the government ruling the people. That idea has been eroded almost since the beginning. But the rate at which the people have voluntarily given up their sovereignty to become servants of government has exploded over the last few decades. So today I want to ponder the power structure the Framers created, compare it to how we live today, and consider some ideas to preserve rights and liberties in America.
Read MoreAfter the fiasco of the 2020 election, I was not surprised when a bill claiming to fix the problem was introduced in Congress. H.R. 1, titled the “For the People Act of 2021” is actually an attempt to remove the states from controlling the voting process, centralize power in Washington, D.C., and open even more opportunities for fraud and malfeasance in future elections. In other words, if there was truth in legislative advertising this bill would be called the “Corruption of Future Elections Act of 2021”.
Read MoreWhen it comes to rights and liberty, 2020 was a dumpster fire. Tonight, I want to look at some of the more recent examples of states infringing on the rights of their people, and discuss what the American people have taught their governments.
Read MoreDo the American people have a right to vote or a duty? The difference may seem minor, but according to a proposed bill in Connecticut, it’s the difference between whether or not you can be fined for not voting.
Read MoreWhat is Free Speech worth? In the case of Uzuegbunam v Preczewski the supreme Court is not only considering the ability of public universities to regulate speech on their campuses, but the value of that speech.
Read MoreThere’s been a lot of chatter about the second Trump impeachment. Some claim it is constitutional, others say no. The word “unprecedented” seems to be in just about every article about the topic. I think it’s time we look at this subject and see what the Constitution says about the topic.
Read MoreMore and more, America is resembling the Monarchy we deposed in 1776. We’ll look at why we look more like a monarchy than a republic and what we can do about it. As always, we’ll do our best to answer your questions during this broadcast.
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