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Read MorePresident Trump and other have called for “Landmark Election Reform” and an “Overhaul of Election Security”. There’s just one problem, the federal government has no authority to meddle in the elections of the states.
Read MoreThere has been a lot of news about Rep. Gohmert’s lawsuit against Vice-President Pence regarding the counting of the votes of the Presidential Electors. Much of the reporting is wrong, but then, so is much of what I found in the actual suit. Rather than reviewing all of the misinformation coming out of the news media, I went right to the lawsuit, and found plenty of misinformation for this article.
Read MoreOn New Years Eve, I talked about resolutions. The new year is also a time to talk about predictions. When it comes to predictions, a friend of mine says “Halve the good news and double the bad.” This seems a pretty good way to avoid getting your hopes up. But today, rather than making predictions, I want to ponder what I think 2021 might be like.
Read MoreThere is a story about a man who propositioned a women with $1,000,000 to spend one night with her. She agreed. Then the man acknowledged that he did not have $1,000,000 and asked if she would spend the night with him for just $100? When she asked what kind of woman he thought she was, the man replied, “We both know what kind of woman you are. Now we’re just haggling over price.”
It appears the politicians in Washington, D.C. know what kind of people most American citizens are. Now, they’re just haggling over price.
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