A recent case out of the Court of Appeals of the State of California brings up some interesting questions. First, does someone have the legal right to tell you how to refer to them? Second, does a mental disorder give someone the legal authority to infringe on the rights of others. The opinion in this case shows the irrationality of both the transgender activists and the judicial branch. Which leads me to a question, is the mental confusion we call transgenderism contagious?
Read MoreMany people have pointed to Florida as an example of a state protecting the rights and liberty of its citizens. They point to the state’s responses to COVID and Big-Tech as examples of not just upholding the rights of those in the Sunshine State, but specifically the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis. Meanwhile, an objective look at some recent legislation and executive actions shows that when it comes to rights and liberty, not all in Florida is sunshine.
Read MoreBut freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well thought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.
Ronald Reagan’s words have come true. We now live in a country where we have to explain to the rising generations what it was like to live in America where people were free. While this day has been coming for decades, recent events show us the level of rot and decay when it comes to your rights and liberty. No longer must those of us who cherish our freedom and liberty concern ourselves solely with the acts of government. Today, businesses, society, and even our neighbors are out to crush the last vestiges of the rights and liberty we enjoy. It’s not that we weren’t warned this day would come. But like so many in other situations, we never thought it would happen in our lifetimes.
On September 17, 1787, the members of the Continental Congress signed the Constitution for the United States of America and sent it to the states for ratification. If I were to review the “State of the Constitution” in 2021, I would have to say it is not good, not good at all. While this Constitution for the United States is the oldest national constitution in the world, second only to the Constitution of Massachusetts in age, decades of ignorance and apathy by the American people has reduced the supreme law of the land to an anachronism, a throw back to a time when rights, freedom, and liberty were important to them. Today, Americans seem more interested in being taken care of than actually exercising their rights. As a matter of fact, the American people have shown they no longer believe in unalienable rights, only fulfilling their own narcissistic desires. Does this mean the Constitution is dead? Only if the American people allow it.
Read MoreThe recent Texas law SB8 has been described as an attack on the right to abortion. The case challenging the law, Whole Woman’s Health et al, v. Austin Reeve Jackson, Judge, et al, has become a lightening rod for abortion activists. Referring to the law as both extreme and a blatant violation of constitutional rights, President Biden has been one of the chief spokesmen opposing this law and the decision of the Supreme Court. By going to the original documents we can cut through the hype and understand the truth, not only about the law but the court’s opinion as well.
Read MoreYou bring the questions, I’ll bring the answers.
Read MoreI’ve been talking a lot recently about the Due Process Clauses in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. Why? Because they seem to be lost in the noise created by the current legal climate. I thought it would be a good time to dive deeper into these two clauses, both so we can understand them and see how often they are violated, even if the judiciary does not.
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