How can you tell if you have freedom of religion? Is it because of the First Amendment? Does freedom of religion exist because people say so? Does freedom of religion exist if government can decide whether you are properly following the tenants of your religion? A recent case before the Supreme Court asked that very question. Sadly, the court decided not to consider answering it.
Read MoreA reader sent me an email about the influx of illegal aliens on our souther border. The question of whether or not this constituted an invasion and thereby requiring a response by the federal government under Article IV, Section 4 is one worth taking a closers look at. Not only the question of does this constitute an invasion, but what are the consequences of such a point of view?
Read MoreWith all of the unconstitutional laws, executive orders, and regulations coming out of Washington, D.C. lately, people often wonder, what can be done. An out of control federal government was nothing new in America. At the end of the 18th century, two of our Founding Fathers wrote about keeping the federal government in check. Let’s look at how these two men expected the states to rein in the federal government.
Read MoreI got the idea for the Constitution Study while listening to a podcast reporting on the 2013 State of the First Amendment Survey. While the First Amendment Center has issued a survey since 2019, based on what I’ve been seeing lately, it is still worth investigating. Let’s roll back the clock a few years, look at the state of the First Amendment, then see if it is healthier in 2022 than it was in 2019?
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