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Read MoreI have drafted a proclamation to celebrate Constitution week. I’m sharing it with you with the hopes you will ask your governors and legislatures to issue a version for themselves. If you do get a proclamation issued, please share the details in the comments below.
Read MoreRegardless of the problem du jour, I’m frequently asked what We the People can do. Everyone seems to think all the answers are in Washington, D.C. But a look at the Constitution and some Supreme Court opinions will show that the answer to an out of control federal government is a lot closer to home.
Read MoreA lot has been said about the anticipated release of the Supreme Court’s opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case. The leak of a draft of the opinion set off a firestorm, both figuratively and literally, around the nation. With the release of the final opinion, we see a tectonic move in American…
Read MoreHave you ever considered how money relates to speech? The federal government has. One of the issues with federal election law is the limitation on the use of money for a candidate to get their message out. What does the case FEC v Cruz have to do with free speech? More important, what does it show about the state of elections in America?
Read MoreThere’s a saying in many training communities, “The body will not go where the mind has not already been.” Another one you may have heard is the Five “P’s”, Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. The idea is simple; if you do not prepare beforehand for a given situation, you will not be prepared when it happens. But what happens when government preparations move from proper to totalitarian?
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