There is legislation working its way through Congress called the Respect for Marriage Act. But does this act truly respect marriage? Let’s face it, the definition of marriage has been changing for centuries. Marriages used to include polygamy and other relationships that are no longer legal. But does this act respect the institution of marriage, change it to make it better, or merely open the door to its degradation. Does Congress even have the legal authority to pass such legislation.
Read MoreI hope you take some time to enjoy this holiday. Please time time not only the meal and the football, but to give thanks for the blessings we have in this great country. A nation where our biggest medical problem is obesity, not starvation. Where although they are under attack, we have rights and the…
Read MoreWhile writing my last two articles about the Virginia Bill of Rights, I became more and more impressed by the person who had written them. I decided to do some research on this little know but extremely important Founding Father, and what I found did not diminish my opinion of him. So today, let’s take a closer look at George Mason, the man known as the Father of the Bill of Rights.
Read MoreAs a country governed by the same Constitution for more than 200 years, one would expect its citizens to understand better the document that is the foundation of their government. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Americans’ lack of knowledge about the Constitution is exacerbated by the fact that most cannot name more than two…
Read MoreLast week we looked at the first eight sections of the Virginia Declaration of Rights. This predecessor to the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights not only gives us some ideas about what Thomas Jefferson was thinking when he wrote the Declaration, but why George Mason refused to sign the Constitution when the other framers did. Let’s finish the job by going through the last eight sections.
Read MoreMillions of Americans have sacrificed, bleed, and died to defend the Constitution and your right to be free. Take some time this Veterans Day to thank a veteran. Better yet, promise them you will earn the sacrifices they and their families have made so you and your family can live free. Want to share your…
Read MorePrior to the Declaration of Independence being adopted, Virginia adopted their Declaration of Rights.
A Declaration of Rights
Is made by the representatives of the good people of Virginia, assembled in full and free convention which rights do pertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of government.
George Mason wrote this declaration, but its impact goes far beyond the Commonwealth of Virginia. We can see the influence of this document on Thomas Jefferson in the opening paragraphs of the Declaration. Let’s take some time and look at this predecessor of our Declaration of Independence.
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