Breaking News

Day: May 1, 2023

Bedford County Constitution Study Bootcamp

Our country is trouble. Are you ready to do something to help?

The goal of this Mini-Bootcamp is not simply to introduce you to The Constitution Study Patriots, but for you to leave with the tools you can use to defend and assert your rights. I want you to have the tools and confidence to not only look a government actor in the eye and say no, but the proof that you are right and they are wrong. To do this, we need to do few things.

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We’re Looking for a Few Good Patriots!

Liberty and freedom in America is under attack, though I doubt that statement will surprise many people who are reading this. Millions willingly submitted to shutdowns, lockdowns, mask, and “vaccine” mandates. We submit to government regulating our education, our healthcare, and pretty much every other part of our lives. We’ve even fallen into the sad state of allowing government to regulate our constitutionally protected rights.

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367 – Legislative Proxy Voting

During the COVID-19 scamdemic, Nancy Pelosi once again ignored the Constitution and implemented by rule something called “proxy voting”. Now, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging a bill because the final version passed in the House of Representatives by proxy vote. Does Mr. Paxton’s suit have a constitutional leg to stand on? If a court finds for Texas, what does that mean for other legislation passed on a proxy vote?

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