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PRESS RELEASE:Release of The Constitution Study Patriots Program

Nashville, TN – November 6, 2023 [The Constitution Study] – The Constitution Study is proud to announce the release of The Constitution Study Patriots program. The Patriots program is not meant to replace or supplant existing groups or movements, but to help those groups be more constitutionally minded and therefore more effective. Before someone can become a Constitution Study Patriot though, they have to go through the bootcamp.

Like any bootcamp, the one for The Constitution Study Patriots program prepares someone to become a Patriot. This online class is designed to provide both a good foundation for your studies and some tools to help you protect your rights today. In the Bootcamp people learn what the Constitution is, along with why that structure is so important. We’ll also cover the construction of the federal government, its relationship with the states, and some of the information you’ll find necessary when defending your rights. Most important, attendees will leave with a basic set of tools to defend their rights and the rights of their family members. After completing the Bootcamp, you will be invited to join the Patriots Program.

The Constitution Study Patriots program is divided into three tracks: Education, communication, and activation.

The education track is called The Constitution Scholars. The Scholars’ track is all about gaining a deeper knowledge of the Constitution while developing lessons to help everyday people gain that knowledge. We dive deep into the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rest of the amendments. Classes are being developed that cover the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers also expound on the role of your Sheriff in protecting your rights. We’ll be working on topic-specific classes, both in-person and remote, based on what the Scholars are looking for. We’re even planning to have a larger Bootcamp, an in-person event where we’ll not only have the classes, but bring in speakers from across the country to help your education.

The communication track is called The Committees of Correspondence. Patriots are spread all across this great country, and it’s hard to keep in touch. All the censorship, propaganda, and intimidation would be bad enough, but with all the myths and misinformation swirling around the different patriot communities and movements, it’s easy to get swept away and lose all sense of direction. This is why communication is so vital. We need a way to not only share what we learn, but to research the validity of the myriad claims with which we are regularly bombarded. Unlike those who stand against liberty, our response to bad information is not to shut it down, but to provide better information!

Before the Revolutionary War, Samuel Adams created the Committees of Correspondence as an underground network of communication between patriot leaders in the colonies. By writing letters, these leaders were able not only to disseminate information about what the British were doing, but to help dispel rumors as well. In the 21st century, our modern Committees of Correspondence will not use hand carried letters, but modern technology to bypass the censors and allow for the free exchange of information. Since part of the correspondence will include finding avenues of information that are being censored, we will find ways around that. Unlike the hand written letters of our predecessors though, we can develop a knowledge base of information anyone in the Committees of Correspondence can use.

The activation track for the Patriots program is called the Minute Men. Colonial Minutemen were members of the New England militia and were known for being ready to stand and fight on a minute’s notice. They had trained in weapons, tactics, and strategies, thereby providing a rapid deployment force to respond immediately to threats. So how do we create the 21st century version of the Minutemen? By using the education we gain in the Constitution Scholars program to enlist a network of people in our counties and prepare them to come to the aid of those whose rights are under attack. You don’t need to focus on Washington, D.C., the political parties, or even social media. Minutemen work locally to protect their rights and the rights of their neighbors. As the number of Minutemen grows, we will spread across the country, standing with those whose rights are under attack, and putting government actors at all levels back within their legitimate sphere of influence.

As I said, the goal of the Constitution Study Patriots program is not to be another organization vying for the attention of those interested in the rights of the American people. We’re not looking to compete with other groups, but to help their members be more effective. By helping other groups educate their members, share information between groups, and find people willing to stand with them, we will be fulfilling the pledge made by the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence.

with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Declaration of Independence.

You can find more information about The Constitution Study Patriots program at

Paul Engel is available for comment or interviews on this subject, or any constitutional questions.

You can contact Paul Engel at:
(931) 492-1162


Paul Engel

Like many of you, I am a product of the public schools. Like many of you I thought the Constitution was for lawyers and judges. One day I read the Constitution, and was surprised to find I didn't need a law degree to understand it. Then I read the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and even the Anti-Federalist Papers. As I learned more and more about our founding fathers and documents I saw how little we know about how our country was designed to work and how many people just didn't care. I started The Constitution Study to help those who also want read and study our Constitution.