Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary online defines sovereign as “possessed of supreme power.” Now consider how often you’ve heard someone describe a Sovereign Citizen or a Sovereign State. Can a citizen be possessed of supreme power? Can the United States?
Part of the problem is the English language. The word “sovereign” can mean slightly different things in different contexts. The bigger problem is the belief that, in the United States, any government is truly sovereign.
What does it mean to be sovereign? We often think of sovereign as the leader of a country, like a monarch, but is that what the word means? According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary online, there are two senses of that word that applies here. One is that of supreme power; the other is independence. Sadly, many today, including those in government, have taken the idea of sovereign independence and turned it into sovereign power.
When the framers of the Constitution drafted that document, that saw sovereign (independent) states voluntarily joining a union for mutual protection and assistance. Today, the courts now treat the government of that union as if it were a monarch, with sovereign immunity and protection for lawsuits, in direct contravention of the Constitution that created them. Only by understanding the use and meaning of the word sovereign can we hope to live free, without the aristocracy that those in government have created for themselves.