I’ve heard some pretty lame excuses in my lifetime. There’s the classic, “The dog ate my homework” and “The check must have gotten lost in the mail.” Sometimes, however, I cannot tell if what passes for logic and reasoning in the world today is the arrogance that people will believe whatever you say or just a lame attempt to claim, “It’s not my fault!”
There have been plenty of examples where the government used the “scamdemic” to try to infringe on our rights. In the latest examples, the federal government’s Deputy Solicitor General argued that it was OK for the Biden administration to violate the First Amendment because it was a “once-in-a-lifetime pandemic.”
But it doesn’t take a pandemic for some to infringe on your rights; sometimes, all it takes is a political preference. Like the evidence that the MRC has found that Google has been interfering with our elections since 2008 or Biden’s DHS trying to embezzle $1.4 billion from the money Congress appropriated to build a wall on the southern border. These are just a few of the things that the “scamdemic” and other made-up crises have been the excuse for the tyrants to grab even more power.
https://cdn.mrc.org/static/pdfuploads/MRC Google Election Interference Report.pdf-1710439680476.pdf
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