These words of Jesus, granted they are taken somewhat out of context, are still true. We cannot be free if we do not know the truth. So, how can we know the truth? While the American people would appear to want just to sit back and let someone spoon-feed them “the truth,” that is a guaranteed way to be fed falsehood. If we are to know the truth, we must find it for ourselves. If you find the idea of searching for truth too much of an inconvenience, it tells me you are willing to sell your freedom for comfort, just as Esau was willing to sell his birthright for some food.
What value do you put on truth? Some people attach great value to knowing the truth, enough that they will search and dig for it. Others seem unwilling to be bothered and are willing to accept anything they are told. Some see their own positions as so important that they need to be protected from the truth.
But as Jesus said in John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Without truth, you cannot be free because, without truth, you are subject to others’ opinions.
Ask yourself, what will you pay to find out the truth? Will you give up your time and effort to search for it? Will you give up your pride to allow the truth to supersede your opinions? Or will you trade the truth for the promise of protection from misinformation, just as Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of stew?