Breaking News

Month: June 2024

Serving the lies and what it costs the American people

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Look at the news around us. A boy claims to be a girl, and most of our institutions simply cave in and follow the lie. A doctor points out the lie, and he is the one being prosecuted. While more and more entities claim to protect us from “disinformation,” it turns out what they call “disinformation” has turned out to be true. Yet today, they still threaten us if we point out the truth…

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Oklahoma Supreme Court Rules State-Funded Religious Charter School Unconstitutional

Attorney General Gentner Drummond says Oklahoma taxpayers are now safe from having to fund Muslim or Satanic institutions.

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AG Merrick Garland Opens Crime Gun Intelligence Center in Cleveland

The announcement comes as the U.S. surgeon general declares firearm violence a public health emergency.

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NYC Pays $350K to “Trans Woman” for Housing Him in Men’s Side of Prison

“Transgender” madness has prevailed yet again in court. This time, the victim is New York City taxpayers, who will shell out $350,000 to a man who pretends he is a “Muslim woman.” The city’s crime: It kept the dude in the men’s section of Rikers Island in the Bronx. The victory comes on the heels …

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Californians With No Driver’s License Or SSN Can Use A Credit Card Or Gym Membership To Vote

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SCOTUS Takes on Gender Mutilation

Tennessee put a ban in place to protect youth who have been manipulated into believing they are irreparably gender-confused without “gender-affirming” medical intervention from undergoing any sort of hormonal or surgical treatment.
In many of the cases in which children are permitted to undergo transitions, it’s done because the parents are either using their child as a token, a woke virtue signal to the world, or they have been terrified by the emotional blackmail of the activist medical professionals saying that if their child isn’t indulged in their delusion, he or she will commit suicide.

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