Breaking News

Month: June 2024

Ohio Bill Would Stop Schools Tracking Students’ Web Activity

Public school districts in Ohio could soon have access limited to school-issued computers used by students and monitoring students’ web-browsing activity during non-school hours.
A bill that recently unanimously passed the Senate and began hearings in the House would also prohibit technology providers from using educational data to market or advertise to students.

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The governing elitist culture in America

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The thing to remember about elitist culture is that they assume they know better how you should live your life. What are the consequences of depending on government to decide our futures? What happens when we have to ask government permission before we can pursue something that makes us happy? We are proud of being the land of the free, but how…

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Maxine Waters demands widespread investigation of Trump supporters… ‘domestic terrorists’…

Waters expressed deep concern over the potential for violence and unrest from these supporters, accusing them of being a threat to national security and democracy.
“It is not just that he’s a criminal, this is a man who disrespects the Constitution and democracy and we’ve got to find out what they are doing as domestic terrorists tried to take over the government on January 6th, how far is this going to go?

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Foreign-Born Workers Dominate U.S. Job Gains While Native-Born Americans Struggle

The left has tried to spin foreign-born workers’ job gains as "propelling the economy."

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Excess Deaths Remained Elevated Even After COVID-19 Vaccines, Study Finds

More people died in Western countries than expected for three consecutive years amid the COVID-19 pandemic, despite containment measures and vaccines, according to a new study.
The study, published in BMJ Public Health, found more research is needed to determine why more people died than expected, a metric called excess mortality.

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We call them ‘The Greatest Generation’

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Through the rigors of time, these men and women who fought for us are down to a few, a very small few, a band of brothers and sisters who fought right to live free. What are we doing with the gifts of freedom they paid so much for us to enjoy? Eighty years ago, thousands of paratroopers jumped behind enemy lines in Western Europe to be joined by 156,000 men who stormed the beaches in Normandy…

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Nearly Three Years And $1,200,000,000,000 Later, Biden Has Almost Nothing To Show For His Biggest Domestic Achievement

Nearly Three Years And $1,200,000,000,000 Later, Biden Has Almost Nothing To Show For His Biggest Domestic Achievement

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ACLU Unveils Plans To Obstruct Trump’s Immigration Agenda

‘Donald Trump promises to decimate American communities’

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