Breaking News

Day: July 6, 2024

Pride cometh before the fall

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. So why do we celebrate pride every year? Specifically, the month of June has been designated as the time to take pride in perversion and pornography. It’s not just the pornographic parades held around the country but the constant pressure to get people to both acknowledge and endorse these “lifestyles.” As one commentator asked, “Is This the Summer That Humbled Gay Pride?”

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Tennessee Judge Rules None of Trans Killer Who Shot Up Christian School’s Manifesto Will Be Released

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FBI Launches Criminal Investigation Into 23 Chinese Swimmers For Doping

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Arkansas Files Lawsuit Alleging Chinese E-Commerce App Temu Is Illegally Gathering Personal Data

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin has filed a lawsuit alleging the Chinese e-commerce app Temu is “malware” that is illegally obtaining personal data from consumers.
Griffin referred to Temu as a "data theft" business in a press release put out recently.

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Biden Admin Spent Millions in Taxpayer Dollars Moving Illegals Across America According to House Report

The House Judiciary Committee and the subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement released a report Wednesday detailing the Biden administration’s spending of millions of taxpayer dollars on services that support illegal immigrants.
"[F]ar from imposing consequences on illegal aliens and removing them from the country, the Biden Administration encourages illegal aliens to arrive at the border, chauffeurs them into the interior, and then rewards them with concierge services, all on the taxpayers’ dime and at the expense of public safety," the report stated.

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