Breaking News

Day: October 26, 2024

Election code: Are our voting laws being ignored?

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Laws don’t prevent crime; they define it and assign punishments. When laws go unenforced, particularly election laws, democracy falters. During election judge training, I hear of overlooked mismatched signatures, raising concerns about integrity. From “Zuckerbucks” to election interference, I explore how unenforced laws risk undermining the transparency and fairness essential to our voting system.

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The Republic is broken

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – The republic stands fractured, as Americans increasingly look to the government for solutions to every challenge, from education to disaster relief. This dependency erodes personal freedom and transforms our nation into something resembling an elected monarchy. We must decide: will we continue living comfortably in chains, or reclaim our liberty by shedding government control and striving for independence?

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Voter Fraud Investigation Underway in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

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Missouri AG Announces Investigation Into Google’s Censorship of Conservatives

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Georgia Court Declines Fast-Track Appeal Over Election Certification Mandate

The ruling effectively reinforces a judge’s earlier ruling mandating that board members follow certification procedures by the Nov. 12 deadline.

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