The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – No one is surprised when a dog bites a man, but when the tables are turned, that’s newsworthy, or at least those in the industry think so. But that got me thinking of another, more widespread saying, “The tail wagging the dog!” This is when the very small minority takes control over the majority. This got me thinking: has our focus on man bites dog stories in this country…
Read MoreDonald Trump ’s transition team is planning for all political appointees to receive sweeping security clearances on the first day and only face FBI background checks after the incoming administration takes over the bureau and its own officials are installed in key positions, according to people familiar with the matter.
The putative process for obtaining a clearance in the first Trump administration involved the White House’s personnel security office relying on an FBI background check to decide whether to grant one.
Read MoreFederal district judges in North Carolina and Ohio decided not to seek semi-retired status after Trump won last month.
Read MoreCritics warn of sweeping algorithmic control and surveillance in the name of combating “hate speech” and “disinformation.”
The post World Leaders Sign New Censorship Declaration at UN Event While Secretary-General António Guterres Pushed for Increased Online Censorship appeared first on Reclaim The Net.
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