The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel – Biden is pushing not only his “climate change agenda” but also his student loan and long-term employment contract shenanigans through before he leaves office. It’s not just Joe Biden, by the way. Some California legislators are asking Pete Buttigieg to give them their bribe money for their high-speed rail boondoggle while he still has a job…
Read MoreFor many, New Year’s Eve is a time for drinking and partying, which frequently makes New Year’s Day a time for dealing with a hang over. For others, New Years is a time for making resolutions, promises to ourselves to be better. I rarely drink, so hang overs are not a problem for me. I also do not make New Year’s resolutions, not because I don’t think there are ways I can be better, but because I don’t wait until the New Year to act on them. That said, a new year is a good time to look at where we are and make plans for the future.
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Read MoreMatthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia whose name surfaced in testimony by IRS whistleblowers about political interference in the Hunter Biden tax case, will resign in early January, the Department of Justice confirmed Monday.
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