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How important is freedom of speech? What about your right to peaceable assemble?

Freedom of speech is one of the cornerstone rights in America, along with the right to peacefully assemble — emphasis on PEACEABLY. For that reason, I have no problem with pro-Palestinian organizations expressing themselves. However, that does not give them the right to be on private property against the will of the owner. Neither does it give them the right to threaten others while they’re at it.

Who is responsible for the protestors’ actions, and who is responsible for defending the rights of others?

How important is freedom of speech? What about your right to peaceable assemble?

We judge just how important these rights are not based on our willingness to protect them for ourselves but on our willingness to protect them for those we hate. And yes, protecting the rights of speech and assembly for those we hate is not only the right thing to do but very helpful indeed.

Take, for example, the recent “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations, or as some like to call them, the anti-Semitic demonstrations.

Why should they be allowed to express such hateful ideas? Because they provide all the evidence of just how ignorant and hateful they are. Like the video of one organizer from Columbia who proved that, in his own twisted logic, people should kill him. (I’m not recommending that he is.) The demonstrations at George Washington University show this has nothing to do with the people in Palestine but is instead about destroying America.

So don’t shut up those who disagree with you. Instead, use their own words against them.

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Image: AP