New Book Reveals How To Understand the Constitution

From the desk of Paul Engel.
Dear Friend,
If you want to understand the U.S. Constitution, this will be the most important book you’ll ever read.
Can I really understand the Constitution?
Most likely, you are where I was. When it came to the U.S. Constitution, I was ignorant and apathetic. I didn’t know what it said, and I really didn’t care. I freely admit I learned more about the Constitution from School House Rock (a Saturday morning cartoon) than in 12 years of school.
That changed when I accepted a challenge from John Jay, one of our Founding Fathers, and read the Constitution for myself. When I realized how much I did not know, I decided to read more, but when I found out how much of what I had been taught about the Constitution was wrong, I went from simply reading to studying and sharing the supreme law of the land.
I started with a small study in my home town, but the more I learned, the more I felt called to share with others. Now, after two years of work, my new book, The Constitution Study is ready.
Exactly What You’re Getting

First of all, this isn’t like any other book about the Constitution you’ve ever read.
There’s no legal jargon or academic mumbo-jumbo left to confuse you. Just plain old conversational English like you use every day. In the few situations where I quote such nonsense, I explain it in simple, everyday terms.
At almost 400 pages, this book may seem intimidating, but it is broken down into easy to manage sections covering a single article, section, or clause of the Constitution. Want to study freedom of speech, what makes a warrant legitimate, or what the role of the President is? You can quickly find that section and dive right in.
This book is about more than just educating yourself. You can use it to teach your children about their rights and responsibilities, share what you’ve learned with others, or even start a Constitution Study of your own.
For example, I use the same material I used to write this book to create a website and a podcast where I not only discuss the constitutional news of the day, but answer questions from the audience.
I’ve taught hundreds of students about their rights and liberties, along with how they can defend and assert them.
I put on national webinars where I teach everything from the basics of what the Constitution is to myths most people believe about it.
There’s more to this book than a simple walk through history. It’s a tool to help you protect your rights and liberties.
And there’s more to this book than “just” reading the Constitution.
Here’s a fraction of what you’ll be getting…
- There are lots of different tools you can use to protect your rights. Learn about some of them on page 56.
- Federal law is supreme in all cases, right? WRONG! Learn about the Supremacy Clause and how to use it on page 282.
- The one thing you should NEVER do when you enter the voting booth. (Hint: It’s the one thing you’re told to do almost every election cycle.)
- When it’s OK to let your elected representative “off the hook”. (Hint: It’s never OK. And you will see why as you read this book.)
- Why even though you may have read the Constitution, you need to spend time studying it.
- There are lots of reasons we declared independence in 1776. Learn about them starting on page 35.
- Congress can enact any legislation they can get passed, right? WRONG! Learn about the limits of Congressional power on page 164.
- The one thing you must NEVER do if you wish to live in a free country. (Hint: It’s the one thing most everyone assumes is necessary.)
- When do the American people vote for President. (Hint: They never vote directly for President. And you will see why on page 224.)
- Why we have checks and balances, and how they are to work to protect your rights.
- There are three branches in the federal government. Learn what they are allowed to do starting on page 140.
- Federal judges serve lifetime appointments, right? WRONG! Learn about the truth about judicial terms on page 253.
- The one thing you should NEVER do to understand the Constitution. (Hint: It’s the one thing most everyone assumes is necessary.)
- When is the federal government allowed to own land? (Hint: Only for certain purposes. And you will see what they are on page 197.)
- Why the Constitution gave the judicial branch so little power, and how you can protect yourself from their abuse.
And much, much, more!
But you know what you’ll really love?
You Will Learn About the Constitution, and how to use it to PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS!
Listen. If you don’t like “studying history”, you’re not alone.
I can’t stand it either.
History was the most boring class I took is school. All those names, places, and dates put me to sleep. So what little my teachers tried to teach me about the Constitution and its importance literally went in one ear and out the other. That is until someone showed me history through stories.
And that’s why I’ve spent years researching not only our history, but how to explain it in common language. How to use stories and analogies to not only make the Constitution easier to learn, but to have some fun doing it.
When you use this book, two things will happen.
First, you’ll begin to see not only when your rights are being violated and be prepared to defend them.
You’ll come away with a new found respect both for your rights and the rights of others.
This is really important to you because depending on others to protect your rights has proven to not work. By protecting not only your rights, but the rights of others you not only become a good citizen, but someone others can depend on in times of crisis.
The next thing you’ll notice is this:
You’ll be of genuine help to everyone you share your knowledge with!
They’ll come away from the experience viewing you as a trusted friend and adviser, regardless of whether or not they completely agree with you.
And you’ll do it without using any pressure, you won’t have to convince anyone of anything, and you won’t even have to talk about yourself much at all!
That’s because of the way the Constitution speaks for itself.
I’ve created this book using a combination of original documents and period reference books to help the Constitution explain itself!
Yes, you heard that right. The Constitution will actually do part of the studying for you when you use this new approach I’m including in your book.
Here’s What To Do Next
The retail price of this book is $34.99 (plus shipping). I will ship you a signed copy of the book.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering …
There Is No Catch!
I realize this is steep discount… so you might wonder what the “catch” is.
And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something, but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.
This isn’t one of them.
There’s NO hidden “monthly program” you have to try or anything even remotely like that.
I’m literally giving you this entire book for $24.95 (paperback) or $9.99 (eBook), as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good relationship for years to come.
With all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
Time Is Of The Essence!
In most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.
It costs me just over $20.00 in advertising and other expenses to sell one book.
So why would I do this?
I’m making this offer with the idea that you’ll be very impressed with what I’m giving you today, and you’ll want to do more business with me in the future.
I’m betting that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you’ll reach out and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. You may even have me come and speak to a group or at an event.
Pretty straightforward.
Anyway – with all that said, this is a limited time offer. Once the sale ends on May 16th, 2020, this offer will end.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering …
Of course there’s a money-back guarantee.
In fact, I think it’s …
The Boldest Guarantee In The World
I 100% Guarantee you’ll love this book or I’ll return your entire purchase and let you keep the book anyway.
That’s right.
You don’t even have to send anything back.
Just email me or visit the website on your receipt and I’ll give you back your money back with no questions asked.
How’s that for fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Time Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before It Expires
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Paul Engel
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
I’m offering you a 383 page book that teaches you about the Constitution …even if you’ve never read it before.
The paperback is $24.95 and the eBook is $9.99!
What’s important about this is it doesn’t use “legal language” or any of the typical stuff you might associate with studying the Constitution. (And in my experience, it simply works better.)
There is no “catch” to this offer. You will not be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.
In fact, if you don’t like the book let me know and I’ll even give you back the entire purchase. You don’t even need to send the book back.
and claim your copy now. You won’t regret it.