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462 – Age limit on Constitutionally Protected Rights

There are certain things in life with a minimum age limit like driving, drinking alcohol, and even voting, but is there a minimum age limit for your constitutionally protected rights? That was the question Caleb Reese and others wanted asked, when they filed a lawsuit against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives regarding 18 USC §§922(b)(1) and (c)(1), which prohibit the selling of handguns to 18-20 year old adults.

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460 – Birthright Citizenship vs the Constitution

One of the executive orders Donald Trump signed on his first day in office ordered federal departments and agencies to not issue any citizenship documents to anyone born in the United States to a mother who was either illegally or temporarily in the United States unless the father was a citizen. It should surprise no one that this order stirred up controversy. Of the several lawsuits that have been filed I have found one thing in common, an inability to read the law.

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459 – Paying for Police Damage

When the government, in the form of the police, damages your property, who pays for it? In the case of VIcki Baker v. Cit of McKinney, TX the police had to damage her property to apprehend a fleeing felon. However, when the city refused to pay for the damages, Ms. Baker sued. The District Court found for her, but the Circuit Court overturned. When she asked the Supreme Court to review, they declined certiorari. Two justices expressed concern about the prospect of the government damaging homes without paying compensation.

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458 – Librarians vs The People’s Representatives

Who decides what is appropriate for public libraries? That is at the heart of the case Fayetteville Public Library et. al. v. Crawford County, Arkansas et. al. The representatives of the people of Arkansas passed a law, Arkansas Act 372, which both established a crime of furnishing a harmful item to a minor and established guidelines for selection, relocation, and retention of such materials. A group of libraries, librarians, and related organizations sue Arkansas 28 prosecuting attorneys in the federal District Court for the Western District of Arkansas. The District Court issued a preliminary injunction, preventing the law from going into effect. Or does it?

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457 – Medical Censorship

There were plenty of infringement on people’s rights during the COVID scamdemic, and censorship was rampant. Not only did we have members of our own government colluding to censor information they didn’t like, but we’ve had professional associations joining in. Worst of all, the so-called medical professionals seemed to be at the forefront, violating the central tenant of the hippocratic oath, “First, do no harm”.

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456 – What’s Wrong with the Crucial Communism Teaching Act

There are a lot of things I’d like to see done better in this country. On that list, education is right up near the top. But is it right to break the law to improve education? That’s the question I asked myself when I read the text of H.R. 5349, The “Crucial Communism Teaching Act’’. You see, while teaching the truth about communism’s history is important, should this bill pass Congress and be signed, it cannot be the supreme law of the land, because it was not made pursuant to the Constitution of the United States.

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455 – United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

The transgender agenda has been moving fast the last few years. That said, several states recently have moved to slow their progress, especially among our young people. One state, Tennessee, is being sued by the federal government. Oral arguments were heard by the Supreme Court in November. What the question regarded a restraining order preventing the state from enforcing the law, a lot of time was spent on the primary question of the lawsuit, does the Tennessee law violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?

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449 – When is a Gun a Gun?

I cannot count how many times I’ve said it, but words mean things. It’s one of the reasons I keep referring back to documents to see the actual words used so I can find their definitions. In the case Garland v. VanDerStok, the issue seems to come down not just to what the definition of…

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