I came across this story earlier this week about the Connecticut legislature basically telling their citizens that they don’t care about their votes. OK, that’s not what the bill is titled and it’s not the headline of the story, but it is the effect of the legislation. The story describes legislation passing the Connecticut Senate…
Read MoreThe case against the American Constitution by Ryan Cooper As I read this article all I could think was “better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.” The one thing this article does prove is Ryan Cooper’s utter ignorance about what the Constitution actually…
Read Morehttp://thehill.com/homenews/senate/362878-live-coverage-senate-holds-tax-reform-vote-a-rama For the last few weeks the media has been in a frenzy discussing the proposed tax reform bill moving its way through Congress. The Senate has worked long days lasting late into the next morning to pass a bill which should be, if we had even a basic understanding of our Constitution, a complete…
Read MoreConcealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 I’ve seen quite a debate, especially amongst the “firearms crowd”, regarding the “Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017”, or as it’s commonly called, “National Reciprocity”. As a firearm owner with a concealed carry permit who frequently travels between states, I find this whole situation quite vexing. It’s bad enough…
Read MoreThere’s been a fair amount of talk lately about states banning travel to other states because of their laws, which states like New York and California deem discriminatory. I’m not here to discuss whether these travel bans are wise or legal in their own states, but whether they are constitutional. The key fact often overlooked…
Read MoreMy wife ran across an interesting article yesterday and asked if I’d write about it. So here goes. NY Gov. Cuomo threatens to sue over proposed gun rights legislation Now I rarely agree with Gov. Cuomo, and he’s certainly made more than his fair share of mistakes in the quotes in this article, but in…
Read MoreSAF Sues Michigan Agency Over Civil Rights Violations Against Foster Parents This is a second amendment case, and there are plenty of sites covering that aspect. I want to look at this from a slightly different angle. Two alleged statements got my attention. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of…
Read MoreI have heard a lot of talk lately about Jeff Sessions’ order regarding civil asset forfeiture. I’ve heard a lot of “screaming” about how civil asset forfeiture is unconstitutional and Mr. Sessions is expanding it and others just as loud saying how necessary it is to help control crime, especially drug cartels. Attorney General Jeff…
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