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460 – Birthright Citizenship vs the Constitution

One of the executive orders Donald Trump signed on his first day in office ordered federal departments and agencies to not issue any citizenship documents to anyone born in the United States to a mother who was either illegally or temporarily in the United States unless the father was a citizen. It should surprise no one that this order stirred up controversy. Of the several lawsuits that have been filed I have found one thing in common, an inability to read the law.

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451 – Federal Tort Claims Procedure

One of the reasons I like answering questions is they prompt me to look at things I hadn’t thought about before. Take for example the recent request I had to review the Federal Tort Claims Procedure. While I review lawsuits regularly here, I’d never taken the time to look at this particular legislation.

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436 – The Bill of Rights and the States

There are certain lies told about the Constitution that repeatedly grind into me like salt in an open wound. One of those is the repeated statement that “The Fourteenth Amendment incorporates the Bill of Rights, including the First Amendment, to the states.” By which, the speaker usually means that, before the Fourteenth Amendment, none of the ten amendment in the Bill of Rights could be applied to the states. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a flat out lie, and I will prove it here.

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389 – Is Your State Committing Fraud in Presidential Elections?

I was having a discussion with someone online about how we elect the President and Vice President of the United States. I was doing some research to reinforce my point when I discovered something interesting, a state which had a fraudulent ballot in 2020. Thinking this was probably an individual mistake, I started looking at the sample ballots from each state in the 2020 election. I found mistakes in not just one state, or a handful of states, but in two-thirds of the state’s ballots. Which leads me to believe these may not be mistakes at all, but fraud committed by the states in regards to electing the President and Vice President of the United States.

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383 – The Powers of Congress

I encourage people to ask questions. I believe there are only two “stupid” questions in the world, the one you don’t ask and the one you ask three times. Questions are important. We cannot truly learn unless we ask questions. Several weeks ago I posted the article The Role of Congress. I was pleased when I was asked a question about that article. Specifically, what are the powers of Congress. This article is the answer to that question.

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362 – The Militia Acts

Someone reached out on the website with an interesting question. They wanted my take on the Militia Acts of 1793 & 1903 and the National Defense Act of 1916. Specifically, he wanted to know about the constitutionality of the militia system within the United States, so I took a look. What I found was interesting, but maybe not what some people would have expected.

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356 – Constitutionality of Cabinet Level Departments

A couple of weeks ago someone claiming to be my “#1 Fan”, at least that’s the name they used, asked an interesting question. “Any chance you could make a YouTube video going through each major executive federal agency or department and discuss which is actually Constitutional under Article 1 Section 8?” That’s a good question, so there’s not only a very good chance I will write the article, but here it is.

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354 – Inspector Government

I received an email asking me to “delve into Rental Inspection Programs.” I have to admit, having lived my adult life in rural America and owning my own home for over 30 years, I haven’t had to deal rental inspection programs. While I was researching these programs, I realized they may be just the tip of a truly large iceberg.

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