After the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked “Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” His response was, A republic, if you can keep it. “If you can keep it” implies that keeping the republic is not automatic, that we must work for it. In today’s world that seems an almost…
Read MoreOur country is trouble. Are you ready to do something to help?
The goal of this Mini-Bootcamp is not simply to introduce you to The Constitution Study Patriots, but for you to leave with the tools you can use to defend and assert your rights. I want you to have the tools and confidence to not only look a government actor in the eye and say no, but the proof that you are right and they are wrong. To do this, we need to do few things.
Read MoreLiberty and freedom in America is under attack, though I doubt that statement will surprise many people who are reading this. Millions willingly submitted to shutdowns, lockdowns, mask, and “vaccine” mandates. We submit to government regulating our education, our healthcare, and pretty much every other part of our lives. We’ve even fallen into the sad state of allowing government to regulate our constitutionally protected rights.
Read MoreMost who live in the United States probably know that the Constitution created the basis of the country’s government, and many can perhaps quote a passage from the Bill of Rights or vaguely discuss the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government and their roles. But really, how familiar are most of us with the…
Read MoreWhile attending a conference of legislators, trying to get interest in my sample legislation, Save Our Children From Medical Experimentation Act, I had a problem. While I found most of the legislators would say hello, they weren’t showing any real interest in my legislation. So, when I had an idea, it was in two parts.
Read MoreI hope you take some time to enjoy this holiday. Please time time not only the meal and the football, but to give thanks for the blessings we have in this great country. A nation where our biggest medical problem is obesity, not starvation. Where although they are under attack, we have rights and the…
Read MoreMillions of Americans have sacrificed, bleed, and died to defend the Constitution and your right to be free. Take some time this Veterans Day to thank a veteran. Better yet, promise them you will earn the sacrifices they and their families have made so you and your family can live free. Want to share your…
Read MoreDo you want to study the Constitution, but not sure how to start? Try the Constitution Planning Wizard. Simply answer a few questions about your reading experience and goals, then the system will email you some recommendations based on your answer.
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